Tuesday, January 18, 2022

73ers Gatherings in 7 States!


Hey Y'all...our 73ers!

DeafNation Expos are already set up in SEVEN (7) states this 2022 year!

For those who live in or near the cities of these states, would YOU be interested to be a planner to arrange the gathering for our 73ers to get together in (or near) the city where you live? Meet for early breakfast or for dinner in the evening before or after the DN Expo?

EXAMPLE: If you live in Kansas City, MO, you search and pick the best restaurant near the DN Expo. You make an announcement to all of us...whoever lives in, near or far from KC will come. Who knows some 73ers will TRAVEL and meet you in KC! If you want to be a planner, let us know!

DeafNation Link:https://deafnation.com/