Friday, July 11, 2014

Latest Update with 73ers at Gally!

Gallaudet's 150th Anniversary and Reunion just began this week! 

Right now there are several 73ers celebrating and spending time with alumnus, friends and families:
Brian Kilpatrick
Robert Hickey
Gayle Ellis
Jeanie Inwood
Mary Sue Boxer
Charles Martin
Mary Pollard (Macner)
Susan "Sue" Bungard (Zvosec)
John Morris 

Hope these 7ers will bump eachother, socialize together and eat together while they are there!

We, of course, are looking forward to seeing PICTURES of them! 

If anyone of you (not listed here) happen to be at Gally for a visit or change your mind to attend there, please contact Brian Kilpatrick, the main contact person at